NJ CAR has recently joined ChargEVC, an electric vehicle (EV) coalition of technology companies, utilities, environmental groups, community advocates and other groups with a vested interest in finding ways to boost the EV market in New Jersey. ChargEVC will research, educate and advocate for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.
The ChargEVC Coalition’s mission is to design and promote policies that boost EV sales that can lead to greater environmental and economic benefits. It’s critical to engage all stakeholders in a serious dialogue about what is needed to move the EV market. What kind of government incentives will help grow infrastructure investment and retail sales? What kind of consumer incentives work? How can all stakeholders work together to better plan and promote clean car technology in the marketplace?
ChargEVC plans to publish its first report, “The NJ EV Roadmap,” in early 2017. The report will provide the research, analysis and policy recommendations necessary to assure the acceleration of EV charging and infrastructure in New Jersey.
NJ CAR has been communicating the retail industry’s commitment to electric vehicle sales with one simple message, “dealers want to sell what consumers want to buy.” As of right now, EV sales are only .2% of the New Jersey new vehicle market. Mandates coming in 2018 will require market share to be nearly 5%, a 25-fold increase, in just two years. Government can mandate and manufacturers can build EV product, but their efforts are meaningless if consumers aren’t interested in purchasing these next generation vehicles.
Strategies to energize the EV market are not getting serious attention in Trenton. Powerful automakers have stymied legislation (S985/A3295) that would close a loophole allowing them, simply, to “deliver” zero emission and other advanced technology partial zero emission vehicles into the State. The cars don’t actually have to be sold; they just have to be “delivered for sale.” This loophole lets automakers avoid responsibility for lagging EV sales.
NJ CAR will be working with its partners in ChargEVC to eliminate ALL obstacles to increased EV sales. With careful planning and a coordinated effort among automakers, auto retailers, government policymakers and clean car advocates, EV sales will continue to rise.
For more information, visit the ChargEVC Coalition’s website at www.CHARGEVC.org.