DOT Hazardous Material Certification Training
April 24, 2013
This half-day Seminar is critical for anyone in the dealership that is required to have DOT HazMat Certification. Participants will obtain an overview of the training regulations and requirements as they relate to the DOT-required HazMat Certification from Thomas Grenci of Environmental Compliance Monitoring (ECM).Learn what training is required by federal and State regulations applicable to dealerships. All attendees will receive their DOT HazMat Certificate. Seminar topics include: Recordkeeping requirements; What hazardous materials are regulated; Determining the hazard class and packing group; Packaging, including proper marking and labeling; Emergency information required with shipments; Security issues; and much more.The Seminar costs $189 per person (NJ CAR Dealer Members) and will be held from 9a.m. until 1p.m. on Wednesday, April 24, 2013 at NJ CAR Headquarters (856 River Road, West Trenton, NewJersey 08628).NJ CAR Seminars are designed to ensure your staff has the most up-to-date compliance information available to protect your dealership from costly litigation by Plaintiffs’ attorneys who file class action lawsuits for technical violations of the State’s consumer regulations.
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AFIP Certification Class And Exam
Scheduled For May In Edison, New Jersey
The Association of F&I Professionals (AFIP) Certification Exam has produced the most educated F&I Managers in the Industry and is highly recommended by the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), National Independent Automotive Dealers Association (NIADA) and Route One.If you have purchased AFIP materials and have not yet tested, your Basic AFIP Certification has expired, or you simply want to become an AFIP-Certified Professional, these classes will benefit you.Tuesday, May 7, 2013This live AFIP Certification Lecture will cover all the materials and information needed to pass the AFIP Certification Exam. It is the SATPrep of the AFIP Exam. Seminar begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3p.m. on Tuesday, May 7, 2013, at The Mironov Group, LLC (2025 Lincoln Highway, 3rd Floor, Edison, NJ 08817). The cost of the Seminar is $199 per person for NJ CAR Dealer Members.Wednesday, May 22, 2013The AFIP Certification Exam will be proctored and will include a two-hour review prior to taking the Exam. Seminar begins at 9:30 a.m. and ends at 3p.m. on Wednesday, May 22, 2013, at The Mironov Group, LLC (2025 Lincoln Highway, 3rd Floor, Edison, NJ 08817). The cost of the Seminar is $199 per person for NJ CAR Dealer Members.This course and testing session has resulted in scores well above the industry norm. But more importantly, they help ensure that you not only master the State and federal regulations, but also are better equipped to apply them to daily in-store situations.Note: F&I practitioners certified two or more years ago must become Senior Certified or will lose their AFIP Certification status.
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Road To The Sale—2-Day Sales Workshop
May 8-9, 2013
This 2-day class will establish a comprehensive sales process for salespeople who are new to the retail automotive business. It will also serve as an excellent refresher for veteran salespeople who may be stuck in a rut. Attendees will learn best practice sales techniques that follow a logical sequence from greeting to closing and follow-up. The class is highly interactive and salespeople will return to the dealership prepared to implement their new skills immediately.Ken Carlson, with 28 years of retail automotive experience, will lead this two-day seminar. Don’t miss this excellent opportunity to re-energize the sales staff! Sales Professionals with less than two (2) years of experience, Sales Managers and General Sales Managers won’t want to miss this seminar.The Seminar will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. each day at NJ CAR Headquarters (856 River Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628). The cost of the Seminar is $399 per person for NJCAR Dealer Members.
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Transaction Document Compliance Training
(Formerly Legal Forms Matrix & Compliance Issues)
May 16, 2013
The confusing array of State and federal laws that govern the automotive industry grows each year, and still the regulators and legislators propose more. This Seminar reviews the compliance requirements for every type of transaction (new or used, sale or lease, cash or finance).One size doesn’t fit all, but NJ CAR’s Transaction Compliance Matrix details which forms and documents are required or recommended for each type of deal. New forms will also be introduced covering vehicle history reports, prior use and damage disclosures, and finance contingency agreements.NJ CAR’s Patrick Cox will be joined by Sue Sbarro, Director of NJ CAR Motor Vehicle Operations, who will also review the most commonly asked questions regarding Motor Vehicle transactions. All General Managers, Finance Managers and Controllers won’t want to miss this Seminar.The Seminar will be held from 9:30 a.m. until 1 p.m at NJ CAR Headquarters (856 River Road, West Trenton, NJ 08628). The cost of the Seminar is $189 per person for NJCAR Dealer Members.
Registering For NJ CAR Academy Courses
You can register for any NJ CAR Academy Seminar or Webinar online at the NJCAR Academy Page ( under EDUCATION on the public side of the Coalition’s website ( Simply select the Seminar you are interested in and complete and submit the Registration Form available at the bottom of the course-specific page.