This guide establishes the process for dealerships and showrooms to submit applications for eligible vehicles that have been ordered on or after July 25th, 2022 and have yet to be delivered. Applications must be submitted within 14 days of order to reserve funds. Upon delivery, dealerships and showrooms have an additional 14 days to upload final documentation for the completed transaction.
Submitting an Application (to be completed within 14 days of order):
1. When an order is placed, the dealership or showroom is responsible to fill out, sign and collect the following documentation:
• A completed copy of the most recent Terms and Conditions available at the time of order
• A clear copy of the customer’s New Jersey Driver’s License
2. Once paperwork is signed and collected, a dealership or showroom will need to log into their portal to complete the reservation for the ordered car. This process will remain the same as if an actual vehicle was sold and delivered the same day. Please fill out all the appropriate contact information and applicant details.
3. For the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) on an ordered vehicle, please use the following logic to fill out the 17 characters:
• The first portion of the VIN is to always be “CUNJ23”
• The next portion of the VIN is to always be the order date in eight-digit format. For example, today is August 1st, thus the date should read “08012022”
• The next portion of the VIN is to be the first 3 letters of the applicant’s last name. For example, if their last name was Simone, the next part of the VIN should be “SIM”. (Should the applicant have a last name with fewer than 3 characters, please fill in the missing characters with the number “0”).
• Putting all of this together, the VIN for the example above should be “CUNJ2308012022SIM”
4. For Vehicle details, your dealership or showroom will select the Make of the vehicle as “ORDERED” from the drop-down menu.
5. For the model of car, you will select from the drop-down menu the amount of incentive you wish to reserve. For example, if the vehicle that is ordered has an MSRP of less than $45,000, you would select “$4,000” as the model.
6. For the date of purchase, please fill in the date the car was ordered. Remember, this application is to be submitted within 14 days from the date of order.
7. When uploading supporting documentation, please upload the following:
• A signed and completed copy of the latest Terms and Conditions.
• For the contract slot, please upload a copy or proof of order. This will be replaced by the final contract upon delivery.
• A placeholder document (linked below), in lieu of the registration. Dealers should download and save this placeholder document and use it for each ordered vehicle application. This will be replaced by the customer’s NJ registration, upon delivery.
• A clear copy of the customer’s New Jersey Driver’s license.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure to fully submit the application to reserve funding for an ordered vehicle. Applications that are “started” and saved without uploading the required documentation will cancel out after 14 days.
After Submitting the Application for the Ordered Vehicle:
CSE will review the submitted documentation and place the application into a non-expiring “incomplete” status to allow for the remaining documentation to be uploaded upon delivery. If additional documentation is required, or needs correction, CSE will reach out to the dealership or showroom via email. Dealers and showrooms will have 14 days from this incompletion notice to resubmit all of the correct documentation to fulfil the order process and prevent cancellation.
Uploading Final Documentation (to be completed within 14 days of vehicle delivery):
1. Upon delivery of the ordered vehicle, the dealership or showroom will log back into the portal and upload the following documentation:
• The final, signed contract for the vehicle
• The registration for the vehicle
2. Please ensure to fully submit this application for review.
After Submitting Final Documentation for the Ordered Vehicle, Upon Delivery:
CSE will review this submission and update the Make, Model, Year, VIN, etc. The Dealership or Showroom will not be responsible for making these updates. CSE will contact the dealership or showroom should they need anything further to process the application. Dealers and showrooms will have 14 days from this incompletion notice to resubmit all of the correct documentation to prevent cancellation.
Any questions regarding this process can be directed to Charge Up New Jersey staff at [email protected] or at (877) 426 – 2474.