
Coronavirus Updates

Jun 10, 2021
The Covid 19 pandemic served as another reminder that emergency planning is imperative to a dealership's business continuity. Ongoing preparation is one way to lessen the impact of a simple fact: Emergencies can happen without any warning! Emergency Action Plans (EAP) are an essential part of an organization's safety...
May 25, 2021
On May 24, 2021, Governor Phil Murphy signed Executive Order 242 (“EO”) eliminating the mask mandate for “indoor public spaces” in certain areas, effective Friday, May 28, 2021. The EO provides that individuals in “indoor public spaces” are not required to wear masks regardless of...
May 19, 2021
On May 13, 2021, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommended the relaxation of mask requirements for anyone who has been fully vaccinated against COVID-19. States where indoor and outdoor masks are mandated must decide whether to follow the latest recommendations from the CDC. NJ CAR recommends that dealerships MAINTAIN THE...
May 04, 2021
New Jersey is turning the tide in the fight against the spread of the COVID-19 virus and dealers applaud the ongoing efforts to roll back pandemic-related restrictions and move the State closer to a post-pandemic “normal”. With a significant increase in the pace of COVID-19 vaccinations and a sustained...
Apr 07, 2021
As the production and distribution of the three currently approved COVID vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Janssen/ Johnson & Johnson) continues to improve and the pace of individuals being vaccinated increases, President Biden is expected to soon announce that ALL U.S. adults will be eligible for vaccinations by April 19, 2021. Governor...
Apr 06, 2021
A lot has changed since the Coalition last held a webinar discussing the NJ CAR Clean Program. The Coalition held an update webinar on April 6 that touched on the following: Updated State and federal guidelines and regulations OSHA enforcement and investigations Handling formal complaints Written COVID protection programs/policies Streamlining...
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