The Best 60-90 Minutes You’llEver Spend Looking At Your Facility
The New Jersey Green Automotive Repair Program (NJGARP), launched in April 2009, was created to encourage all automotive repair facilities to implement environmentally-friendly business practices and certify them as “green” businesses. To date, nearly 35 automotive and auto body repair facilities have been awarded “New Jersey Green Automotive Repair Program Certification” and recognition as “green” businesses. The majority of facilities awarded certification thus far have been franchised new car & truck facilities. Two dealer groups—Flemington Car & Truck Country and Holman Automotive—have actually certified all of their dealerships, the first to accomplish that feat since the Program was launched two years ago. There is no reason why every dealership shouldn’t take an hour or two and go through the free self-assessment survey. It doesn’t cost a dollar to see where your facility is strong and where it needs improvement. We’ve made it easier than ever by including a copy of the survey with this NewsLetter. Just pick up a pen or pencil and GO! The self-assessment addresses such areas as: pollution prevention and resource conservation measures; waste fluids management; energy and water conservation efforts; waste water reduction; recycling practices; and protection of customers and workers at the facility. If you finish the survey and find your facility meets the requirements to receive “green” certification, you may elect to apply for consideration ($275 application fee) and continue through the rest of the review and approval process. This is entirely optional. If you elect to pursue certification, NJGARP committee members will conduct an on-site evaluation to verify your self-assessment results. Additional details regarding how to become a “green-certified” facility are also included with the survey instructions. You can also visit the NJGARP Website ( for more information.NJGARP FREE Self-Assessment Survey