It’s time to order the 2015 NJ CAR Motor Vehicle Training & Reference Manual for your dealership. The 2015 Manual provides revisions that reflect changes made by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) and the New Jersey Division of Taxation during the past year.
The Manual is a “must have” for Title Clerks, providing easy reference to New Jersey Motor Vehicle procedures. Forms, step-by-step instructions, Sales Tax, Motor Vehicle Fees and Licensing information are all incorporated into the Manual, making it a valuable reference tool for Managers, Sales Representatives and F&I personnel alike.
NJ CAR recommends that dealerships purchase the updated NJ CAR Motor Vehicle Training & Reference Manual, since any changes made by the NJMVC and New Jersey Division of Taxation are reflected in the 2015 Manual. You can order a copy of the 2015 NJ CAR Motor Vehicle Training & Reference Manual by completing the Order Form attached to this NewsLetter and returning it with your payment.