Effective October 4, 2017, the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) discontinued using the letter “P” in its resident and non-resident temporary registration tags (eTemp tags).
Dealers do not need to do anything. The change occurred automatically in the eTemp Tag system. Dealers will not need to change the way they create temp tags and those that have already been issued using the letter “P” will not need to be reissued and are valid until their designated expiration date.
Please visit www.njportal.com/temptags for information about using the eTemp Tag system. You may also contact the NJMVC with questions by posting them on the NIC website using the “Questions Form,” or by calling the NJMVC at (609) 292-6500 Ext. -5014.
A copy of the NJMVC’s announcement is attached to this NewsLetter.