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NJMVC Issues Information Regarding New EV Registration Fee

Jul 01, 2024

Moments ago, NJ CAR received notice from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) regarding implementation of the new EV registration fee that went into effect TODAY.

Pursuant to the law, which was adopted on March 26, 2024, NJMVC must impose and collect an EV registration fee, in addition to the existing vehicle registration fee. For 2024, the fee is $250 and increases by $10 on July 1st of each subsequent year, up to and including 2028 (2024-$250, 2025-$260, 2026-$270; 2027-$280 and 2028-$290).

As dealers are aware, new vehicle registrations require payment of the customary registration fee for four (4) years in advance. The new EV registration fee will be collected in the same manner- a payment of four years in advance. Therefore, for an EV sold between July 1, 2024 and June 30, 2025, the NJMVC must collect $1060 from the customer for the EV registration fee.

In the attached notice, the NJMVC explains that it is working on programming changes to implement the fee.

Dealers are advised to stay tuned for additional updates regarding the EV registration fee.


NJMVC Release Regarding EV Fee