After more than 2,000 hard copy NewsLetters produced by NJ CAR and its predecessors over the past 80+ years, the Coalition’s flagship, bi-weekly publication will be delivered electronically to all non-dealer recipients, effective with the issue you have in your hands (or on your screens) right now. For the past several years, the Coalition has been mailing nearly 850 issues of the NewsLetter every two weeks to dealer members, associate members, state and local ATAEs across the country, and other “special” recipients.That’s 850 labels to print and affix.That’s 850 issues and enclosures to stuff.That’s 850 pieces of mail flying through the postage meter. In an effort to get information to readers faster AND save the Coalition both time and money, effective with this issue, we are cutting our printing, postage and distribution of the hard-copy NewsLetter by 25%.Our Associate Members, ATAEs and “Special” recipients will now receive their NewsLetters via an e-mailed (pdf) attachment.All dealer principals will continue to receive their hard copy NewsLetter for as long as they choose to continue to have the familiar yellow document hit their desks. If you are a dealer principal who is currently registered to access the member side of the NJ CAR website (, you should be receiving e-mails every few weeks that provide you with a link to log on to the website and view the latest issue of the NewsLetter within a half hour of the issue being posted.Dealer principals who would like to utilize this method and want to discontinue their hard copy can e-mail Brian Hughes at [email protected] with their names, dealership contact information, and e-mail address. If you are a dealer principal who is not currently registered to access the website and would like to discontinue your hard copy so you can view the NewsLetter as early as possible, please fill out the short NJ CAR Website Registration Form and fax it back to NJ CAR headquarters as soon as possible.Feel free to sign up as many of your employees as you’d like. In addition to 150 back issues of NJ CAR NewsLetters dating back to 1999, the website also contains every copy of the New Jersey Auto Retailer magazine, a Legal, Tax and Regulatory Knowledge Base, a large amount of Motor Vehicle Operations information, as well as the NJ CAR Services’ Online Store & Catalog, along with much, much more. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Brian at [email protected] or 609.883.5056, ext. 315.