The NJ CAR Academy strives to offer training courses that meet the needs and interests of all dealers and their management staff. We encourage you to save the dates for any of the courses below that apply to members of your dealership’s management team:October 17 & 18, 2012 Best Practices For F&I ManagersOctober 24, 2012 Mastering the Incoming Sales CallNovember 7 & 8, 2012 NJ CAR Compliance Certification Track II (General SalesManagers, Sales Managers, F&I Managers)November 13, 2012 The Game Changing DNA of Generating and RetainingProfits in the Service Department You can get more information and register for all of the above courses by visiting the NJ CAR Academy Webpage. To access the NJ CAR Academy page, please visit the NJ CAR Homepage ( and click on the Education button at the top of the page and select NJ CAR Academy. Each title under the Training Schedule tab serves as a link to a course-specific page that includes a detailed Seminar Description and Registration Form. Simply select the course(s) you and your managers are interested in attending, complete the Registration Form and return it to NJ CAR. You can also call NJCAR at 609.883.5056 and we will fax you a Registration Form for the course(s) you or your managers would like to attend.