Enforcement Of Kyleigh’s Law To Begin May 1
New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (NJMVC) Acting Chief Administrator Raymond Martinez and Attorney General Paula Dow announced the specifics of Kyleigh’s Law on Friday, March 26, 2010. Kyleigh’s Law is a first in the nation initiative designed to help prevent senseless teen driver deaths and injuries. Enforcement of the new Law, which mandates the display of red, reflectorized decals on the front and rear license plates of any vehicle operated by a permit or probationary license holder under the age of 21, will begin on May 1, 2010. NJMVC has advised NJ CAR that the provisions of the new Law also apply to dealer plates in use by drivers under the age of 21. The decals will be available at local Motor Vehicle Agencies beginning on April 12, 2010. Additional information regarding the amount can be found at the following Website: http://www.state.nj.us/mvc/PressReleases/archives/2010/032410.htm