¨ Become a sponsor of the NewJersey Auto Retailers Unite campaign for only $1,800 per dealership rooftop.
¨ Commit to a $5 contribution to The Valerie Fund for every new and used vehicle sold between June 1, 2014 and September 30, 2014.
¨Distribute raffle tickets (provided by The Valerie Fund) to any customer who test drives or purchases a vehicle during the campaign.
We will soon be launching a campaign website that will recognize all participating dealerships and includes a link to their homepage. We are also working with The Star Ledger to offer even greater value to all participating dealers and hope to announce those benefits shortly.As soon as the final details are confirmed regarding the benefits available to participating dealers, we will distribute an updated informational packet that contains all of the details regarding the tremendous value of the campaign.Some of the benefits will include:
The opportunity to utilize The Valerie Fund logo in all advertising;
Press releases distributed to New Jersey and surrounding media throughout the campaign;
Billboards in prime locations on major highways;
Radio Public Service Announcements;
Network and cable television spots;
E-mail marketing to a database of 20,000+ Valerie Fund supporters;
Social media campaign on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram;
Recognition in all advertising and public relations distributed by the campaign;
Multiple template press releases provided by The Valerie Fund and NJ CAR that can be customized and distributed as the dealership sees fit;
Templates for print ads, billboards, radio and television ads; and
5 Point-of-Sale displays and 5 Campaign posters for the dealership.
NJ CAR is asking every dealership operating in New Jersey to support this ambitious NewJersey Auto Retailers Unite campaign. We can raise an incredible amount of money for The Valerie Fund and show how the auto retail industry is a tremendous force for good in every NewJersey community by working together. A Dealership Sponsorship Commitment Form will be included in the informational packet. Please return your Dealership Sponsorship Commitment Form (with payment information) as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Judi McGinley at 609.883.5056, Ext. 338 ([email protected]), Brian Hughes at 609.883.5056, Ext. 315 ([email protected]), or BunnyFlanders of The Valerie Fund at 973.761.0422 ([email protected]).