December 3-5, 2014 At NJ CAR Headquarters
J CAR will be conducting a three-day Seminar for Newly-Hired Sales Consultants (or anyone needing a refresher on the sales process from A to Z) on December 3, 4 and 5, 2014 at NJCAR Headquarters in West Trenton, New Jersey. The Coalition has contracted MyDXPro to provide the training. The Seminar facilitators (Gary Coleman, Richard Sabo and DirkZondag) have over 80 years combined dealership experience ranging from Salesperson to Dealer Principal, and everything in between.
Attendees will learn the sales process from A to Z, including:
Meet & Greet.
Consultation & Fact Finding.
Selecting the Right Vehicle.
Six-Point Walk Around and Demo Drive.
Selling the Dealership/Service Walk.
Presenting the First Pencil and Gaining an Offer at Higher Gross Profits.
Non-Confrontational Negotiating.
Best Follow-Up Methods to Gain the Highest CSI.
Customer Retention for Your Dealership.
Goal Setting.
Thinking Outside the Box Prospecting.
The Sales Training Boot Camp is only $349 per participant and includes all course materials. The training will be held each day from 9:30 am until 3:30 pm (breakfast and lunch will be provided). You can register for this (or any NJ CAR Academy) Seminar at the NJCAR Academy Page under the Education Tab on the public side of the Coalition’s Website ( We have also attached a Registration Form for your convenience.