For the past few weeks, we’ve all seen the devastation to much of the Gulf Coast caused by Hurricane Katrina and the subsequent flooding.Louisiana and Mississippi were hit particularly hard.Automotive dealership associations in the affected areas report that more than 200 dealerships may have been completely destroyed.It may be more than six months before some of these dealerships can open again. NJ CAR has received a number of calls from New Jersey dealerships asking what they can do to help the residents in the affected areas and, particularly, the dealership employees and their families who have lost so much. There are many ways to offer assistance.The NJ CAR Charles E. Walton Charitable Foundation will be making a sizeable donation to either the American Red Cross or the National Automobile Dealers Charitable Foundation (NADCF), and we invite dealers from throughout the State to likewise contribute to this important part of the relief effort. While donations to the American Red Cross are needed to help shelter, cloth, feed and otherwise help the broadest spectrum of affected individuals, there are several retail automotive industry-specific aid efforts underway as well. There has been some discussion in dealer circles to determine if, on an interim basis, dealership employees in the devastated region can be matched with dealership employment opportunities in other parts of the country.Since it will likely be months before rebuilding in the region can begin, this could help employees and their families who are suddenly faced with no homes, no possessions and no jobs. NADCF is also raising funds to offer emergency relief to dealership employees who have suffered loss or damage to personal property.To date, the fund has raised nearly $2 million. NADCF has sent a letter to all member dealerships across the country, urging them to donate to the Emergency Relief Fund.Whether or not you receive a letter, you can contribute to the effort.Please make checks payable to “NADCF Emergency Fund” and mail to the following address: NADCF Emergency Relief Fund 8400 Westpark Drive McLean, VA22102>/b> For a complete list of charitable and relief agencies that are accepting donations to assist hurricane victims, visit