Following the launch of a new online portal and to help industry, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) recently announced an extension for dealers and sellers of clean vehicles to submit time-of-sale reports.
Seller reporting in IRS Energy Credits Online (IRS ECO) became available on January 1, 2024. To provide dealers and the IRS more time to submit and intake seller reports into this new system, the IRS is temporarily extending the 3-day time period to submit time-of-sale reports provided in Revenue Procedure 2023-38 through January 16.
This means dealers and sellers have until January 19th to submit a time-of-sale report for vehicles sold between January 1st and January 16th.
While the IRS fine-tunes this new system and the intake of time-of-sale reports, dealers and sellers should continue to submit time-of-sale reports using IRS ECO. The IRS encourages sellers to use this extension only if they are unable to successfully submit a time-of-sale report when the vehicle is for a customer who intends to claim the tax credit on their tax return.
The IRS is committed to resolving any issues facing manufacturers, dealers and sellers navigating the IRS’ new ECO tool.
The IRS will be hosting office hours to help dealers and sellers with time-of-sale reporting. Representatives from the IRS will be available to answer questions. To register for a specific session click on the “Register” link on this page.