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Help Promote Teen Driver Safety In Your Dealership

Apr 06, 2012

Events Coming In May To Help Teens And Parents Learn What They

Can Do So Teens Survive The Most Dangerous Driving Years Of Their Lives

The Brain Injury Alliance of New Jersey (BIANJ) and the New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition (NJTSDC) have joined forces to create iDrive Safe, two-days of teen driving events for teens and parents on May 11-12 at iPlay America in Freehold, New Jersey. On Friday, May 11, BIANJ will host the second annual Champion Schools Program Showcase. Teens from 30 high schools will display and be recognized for their school and community-based peer-to-peer teen driving safety campaigns. The top two campaigns, selected by a panel of judges, will be announced and the winning schools awarded driving simulators to help train students in driver education classes. The following day, Saturday, May 12, NJTSDC will present the second annual Teen Safe Driving Summit, GDL4U: Good Driving for Life. Led by teens, the summit gives 14-16 year olds and their parents the opportunity to learn about the dangers young people face on the road and what they can do to address those risks through a series of workshops and presentations. To learn more about and/or to register for the Summit, visit The Summit aims to empower teens to become smart driving activists in their schools and communities. The teens who participate in the Champion Schools Program and lead Summit workshops are addressing those things that cause the greatest risk for their peersdistraction caused by cell phones and their friends, impaired driving, speeding, driving at night and failure to buckle up. The BIANJ and New Jersey Teen Safe Driving Coalition are asking dealers to help promote the Summit by posting the Teen Summit Flyer attached to this NewsLetter and ensuring that parents and teens are aware of these important events and have the opportunity to take advantage of the lifesaving information that will be presented.