Division of Consumer Affairs Director Kimberly Ricketts, recently informed NJ CAR that any dealership who may have been displaying a charity canister from The National Animal Welfare Foundation (NAWF), should pull the canisters and contact the Division of Consumer Affairs at 973.504.6299 for pick up.
The NAWF has been permanently banned from any future charitable activities in New Jersey and from registering and operating as a charitable organization, independent paid fund-raiser or solicitor in NewJersey.
Consumer Affairs has made it clear they are in no way targeting the businesses that may have displayed the NAWF canisters, but wants them removed nonetheless.
The Attorney General’s Office and Division of Consumer Affairs filed suit in January 2006 against the Union Township charity for allegedly misleading consumers about how their donations would be used. NAWF failed to comply with the Charitable Registration and Investigation Act and related regulations.
If you have any questions about a charitable organization or paid fundraiser that contacts you, contact the Consumer Affairs’ Charitable Registration Unit at 973.504.6215 or visit the Unit’s website, www.njconsumeraffairs.gov/ocp.htm#charity.