
Posts by Nicholas

Apr 02, 2020
Last week, as part of the federal CARES Act, and in response to the coronavirus crisis, Congress made available a variety of emergency loans to small businesses. For dealers, the most anticipated of these initiatives is the Paycheck Protection Program. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin has announced that Paycheck Protection Program applications...
Apr 01, 2020
We regret to inform you that, effective immediately, the Coalition must close the NJ CAR Motor Vehicle Operations. Our contracted Courier (ARC Transport) has notified NJ CAR that it is pulling all drivers off the road and suspending operations at the end of business tomorrow (April 2). Accordingly, there will be...
Mar 31, 2020
NADA Launches Dealership Lifeline Webinar Series NADA has announced the first three webinars in its Dealership Webinar Lifeline Series, an initiative to help local dealerships navigate business and regulations in the coronavirus environment. Each webinar in the series will provide important, timely information about coronavirus developments that impact dealership...
Mar 30, 2020
Earlier today, NJ CAR advised dealers that the Governor's Office was considering our request for online sales with “contactless delivery” in the service lane. We were told, over the weekend, that the Administration was considering our request, but that approval would not be forthcoming until later this week. However, at...
Mar 30, 2020
As we enter Week 2 of the Coronavirus shutdown, NJ CAR wanted to provide its members with a few brief updates and reminders. Governor Murphy Executive Order Update Governor Murphy’s Executive Order 107 prohibits...
Mar 26, 2020
Last night, the Senate approved, 96-0, a nearly $2 trillion emergency stimulus package (the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act) to bolster the economy that has been ravaged by the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic. The bill, the largest aid package in U.S. history, includes direct checks...
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